Typescript Import Format
//This namespace exports multiple static methods or members. To import
import * as ExpressionUtils from "ojs/ojexpressionutils";
//Now you can access the methods as ExpressionUtils.methodName and so on
For additional information visit:
(static) .createGenericExpressionEvaluator(expressionText) : {(context: any)=> any}
Creates generic expression evaluator
Name Type Description expressionText
string inner expression text not including any decorator characters that identify the string as an expression Returns:
an evaluator function that will take data context as a parameter
(static) .getExpressionInfo(expression) : {Object}
Analyzes a string for a possible JET expression
Name Type Description expression
string a string to be analyzed Returns:
an object with two keys: use the 'expr' key to get the expression text, and the 'downstreamOnly' to get a boolean indicating whether the expression is downstream-only, i.e. the flag will be true if the expression should not be used for writeback
- Type
- {expr: (null|string), downstreamOnly: boolean}