interface ColorSpectrumElement
Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { ColorSpectrumElement } from "ojs/ojcolorspectrum";
//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "ojs/ojcolorspectrum";
For additional information visit:
Note: Application logic should not interact with the component's properties or invoke its methods until the BusyContext indicates that the component is ready for interaction.
CSS Variables
Name | Type | Description |
--oj-color-spectrum-border-color |
<color> | Color spectrum border color |
JET components that allow child content support slots. Please see the slots section of the JET component overview doc for more information on allowed slot content and slot types.
The contextMenu slot is set on the
within this element. This is used to designate the JET Menu that this component should launch as a context menu on right-click, Shift-F10, Press & Hold, or component-specific gesture. If specified, the browser's native context menu will be replaced by the JET Menu specified in this slot.The application can register a listener for the Menu's ojBeforeOpen event. The listener can cancel the launch via event.preventDefault(), or it can customize the menu contents by editing the menu DOM directly, and then calling refresh() on the Menu.
To help determine whether it's appropriate to cancel the launch or customize the menu, the ojBeforeOpen listener can use component API's to determine which table cell, chart item, etc., is the target of the context menu. See the JSDoc of the individual components for details.
Keep in mind that any such logic must work whether the context menu was launched via right-click, Shift-F10, Press & Hold, or component-specific touch gesture.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 13.0.0
This web component no longer supports launching a context menu.
(nullable) described-by :string
The oj-label sets the described-by attribute programmatically on the form component. This attribute is not meant to be set by an application developer directly. The described-by is copied to the aria-describedby attribute on the component's inner dom element, and it is needed for accessibility.
- Since:
- 4.0.0
Item Name Property describedBy
Property change event describedByChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-described-by-changed
disabled :boolean
Whether the component is disabled. The default is false.
When the
property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component may clear messages and run validation in some cases.- when a required component is initialized as disabled
value="{{currentValue}}" required disabled
, deferred validation is skipped. - when a disabled component is enabled,
- if component is invalid and showing messages then all component messages are cleared,
and full validation run using the display value.
- if there are validation errors, they are shown.
- if no errors result from the validation, the
property is updated. Page authors can listen to thevalueChanged
event to clear custom errors.
- if component is valid and has no errors then deferred validation is run.
- if there is a deferred validation error, then the valid property is updated.
- if component is invalid and deferred errors then component messages are cleared and
deferred validation re-run.
- if there is a deferred validation error, then the valid property is updated.
- if component is invalid and showing messages then all component messages are cleared,
and full validation run using the display value.
- when enabled component is disabled then no validation is run and the component appears disabled.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 0.7.0
Item Name Property disabled
Property change event disabledChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-disabled-changed
- when a required component is initialized as disabled
display-options :Object
Display options for auxiliary content that determines whether or not it should be displayed.
In the Redwood theme, the sub-properties of the display-options configure whether or not the types of information is shown. The values of these sub-properties are either 'display' or 'none'.
When display-options changes due to programmatic intervention, the component updates its display to reflect the updated choices. For example, if you don't want to show the converter hint, set the display-options.converter-hint to 'none'.
A side note: help.instruction and message detail text can include formatted HTML text, whereas hints and message summary text cannot. If you use formatted text, it should be accessible and make sense to the user if formatting wasn't there. The allowed html tags are: span, b, i, em, br, hr, li, ol, ul, p, small, pre. To format the help.instruction, you could do this:
<html>Enter <b>at least</b> 6 characters</html>
- Since:
- 0.7
Item Name Property displayOptions
Property change event displayOptionsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-display-options-changed
display-options.converter-hint :Array<'placeholder'|'notewindow'|'none'>|'placeholder'|'notewindow'|'display'|'none' display-options.converter-hint :('display'|'none')
Display options for auxiliary converter hint text. The supported attribute values are theme dependent.
In the Redwood theme, this attribute determines whether or not the converter hint should be displayed. The supported values are 'display' and 'none'. If you don't want to show the converter hint, set display-options.converter-hint to 'none'. It defaults to 'display'. To control where the hints display, e.g., inline or in a notewindow, then use the user-assistance-density attribute.
- Deprecated:
Since Value Description 9.1.0
Array<'placeholder'|'notewindow'|'none'>,'placeholder','notewindow' These types are no longer supported. They are used for the Alta theme only. The Redwood theme uses 'display'|'none' and the user-assistance-density attribute.
- Since:
- 9.1.0
Item Name Property displayOptions.converterHint
- :Array<'notewindow'|'none'>|'notewindow'|'none'
Display options for auxiliary help instruction text that determines where it should be displayed in relation to the component.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 9.0.0
If you want none, remove help-instruction attribute.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 9.0.0
Item Name Property displayOptions.helpInstruction
display-options.messages :Array<'inline'|'notewindow'|'none'>|'inline'|'notewindow'|'display'|'none' display-options.messages :('display'|'none')
Display options for auxiliary message text. The supported attribute values are theme dependent.
In the Redwood theme, this attribute determines whether or not the messages should be displayed. The supported values are 'display' and 'none'. If you don't want to show messages, set display-options.messages to 'none'. It defaults to 'display'. To control where the messages display, e.g., inline or in a notewindow, then use the user-assistance-density attribute.
- Deprecated:
Since Value Description 9.1.0
Array<'inline'|'notewindow'|'none'>,'inline','notewindow' These types are no longer supported. They are used for the Alta theme only. The Redwood theme uses 'display'|'none' and the user-assistance-density attribute.
- Since:
- 9.1.0
Item Name Property displayOptions.messages
display-options.validator-hint :Array<'notewindow'|'none'>|'notewindow'|'display'|'none' display-options.validator-hint :('display'|'none')
Display options for auxiliary validator hint text. The supported attribute values are theme dependent.
In the Redwood theme, this attribute determines whether or not the validator hint should be displayed. The supported values are 'display' and 'none'. If you don't want to show the validator hint, set display-options.validator-hint to 'none'. It defaults to 'display'. To control where the hints display, e.g., inline or in a notewindow, then use the user-assistance-density attribute.
- Deprecated:
Since Value Description 9.1.0
Array<'notewindow'|'none'>,'notewindow' These types are no longer supported. They are used for the Alta theme only. The Redwood theme uses 'display'|'none' and the user-assistance-density attribute.
- Since:
- 9.1.0
Item Name Property displayOptions.validatorHint
help :Object
Form component help information.
- Since:
- 0.7.0
Item Name Property help
Property change event helpChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-help-changed
help.instruction :string
A type of user assistance text. User assistance text is used to provide guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select.
In the Redwood theme for clarity only one user assistance text shows to the user. The precedence rules are:
- help.instruction shows;
- if no help.instruction, then validator hint shows;
- if no help.instruction or validator hint, then help-hints.definition shows;
- if no help.instruction, validator hint, or help-hints.definition, then converter hint shows.
- help-hints.source always shows along side the above.
In the Redwood theme, by default all user assistance text shows inline. For input components, it shows when the field takes focus. In other components it shows all the time. See the user-assistance-density property for other ways the user assistance text can render.
How is help.instruction better than the html 'title' attribute? The html 'title' attribute only shows up as a tooltip on mouse over, not on keyboard and not in a mobile device. So the html 'title' would only be for text that is not important enough to show all users, or for text that you show the users in another way as well, like in the label. Also you cannot theme the native browser's title window like you can the JET notewindow, so low vision users may have a hard time seeing the 'title' window. For these reasons, the JET EditableValue components do not use the HTML's 'title' attribute and instead use the help.instruction attribute.
To include formatted text in the help.instruction, format the string using html tags. The allowed html tags are: span, b, i, em, br, hr, li, ol, ul, p, small, pre. For example the help.instruction might look like:
If you use formatted text, it should be accessible and make sense to the user if formatting wasn't there.<oj-some-element help.instruction="<html>Enter <b>at least</b> 6 characters</html>"></oj-some-element>
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 4.0.0
Item Name Property help.instruction
help-hints :Object
The helpHints object contains a definition property and a source property.
- hint for help definition text.source
- hint for help source URL.
- Since:
- 4.1.0
Item Name Property helpHints
Property change event helpHintsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-help-hints-changed
(nullable) help-hints.definition :string
A type of user assistance text. User assistance text is used to provide guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select. help-hints could come from a help system.
In the Redwood theme for clarity only one user assistance text shows to the user. The precedence rules are:
- help.instruction shows;
- if no help.instruction, then validator hint shows;
- if no help.instruction or validator hint, then help-hints.definition shows;
- if no help.instruction, validator hint, or help-hints.definition, then converter hint shows.
- help-hints.source always shows along side the above.
In the Redwood theme, by default all user assistance text shows inline. For input components, it shows when the field takes focus. In other components it shows all the time. See the user-assistance-density property for other ways the user assistance text can render.
No formatted text is available for help definition attribute.
See the help-hints attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 4.1.0
Item Name Property helpHints.definition
(nullable) help-hints.source :string
Help source URL associated with the component.
In the Redwood theme, the help-hints.source will show as a link inline to the field. For input components, it shows when the field takes focus. For other components, it shows all the time.
For security reasons we only support urls with protocol 'http:' or 'https:'. If the url doesn't comply we ignore it and throw an error. Pass in an encoded URL since we do not encode the URL.
See the help-hints attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 4.1.0
Item Name Property helpHints.source
label-edge :('inside'|'none'|'provided')
Specifies how the label of the component is created when the
attribute is set on the component.The default value varies by theme, and it works well for the theme in most cases. If the component is in an oj-form-layout, the label-edge attribute could come from the oj-form-layout's label-edge attribute. The oj-form-layout component uses the MetadataTypes.PropertyBinding
property to provide and uses the MetadataTypes.ProvidePropertytransform
property to transform itslabel-edge
attribute to any descendent components that are configured to consume it. For example, if the oj-form-layout's label-edge attribute is set to "top" or "start", and a descendent form component does not have its label-edge attribute set, the form component's label-edge will be the transformed value "provided".- Since:
- 8.0.0
Supported Values:
Value Description inside
The component creates the label using the label-hint
attribute.For text input components (such as oj-input-text), the label floats over the input element but moves up on focus or when the component has a value.
For non-text input components (such as oj-checkboxset), the label is created at the top of the component and doesn't move.
The component will not have a label, regardless of whether it's in an oj-form-layout or not. If the component has a
attribute but no labelled-by, aria-label, or aria-labelledby attribute, the label-hint value will be used as the aria-label.Note that if the component already has an external label, "none" should not be specified and "provided" should be used instead. Otherwise it may end up with conflicting label information.
Label is provided by the parent if the parent is an oj-form-layout. oj-form-layout provides the label using the label-hint from the form control and the label-edge from oj-form-layout.
If there is no oj-form-layout, use an oj-label.
Item Name Property labelEdge
Property change event labelEdgeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-edge-changed
label-hint :string
Represents a hint for rendering a label on the component.
This is used in combination with the label-edge attribute to control how the label should be rendered.
When label-edge is "provided", it gives a hint to oj-form-layout parent element to create an oj-label element for the component. When the
attribute changes, oj-form-layout element refreshes to display the updated label information.When label-edge is "inside", it gives a hint to the component itself to render a label.
When label-edge is "none", and if the component has no labelled-by, aria-label, or aria-labelledby attribute, the label-hint value will be used as the aria-label.
- Default Value:
- Since:
- 4.1.0
Item Name Property labelHint
Property change event labelHintChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-hint-changed
(nullable) labelled-by :string
Labelled-by is used to establish a relationship between this and another element. A common use is to tie the oj-label and the oj-color-spectrum together for accessibility. The oj-label custom element has an id, and you use the labelled-by attribute to tie the two elements together to facilitate correct screen reader behavior.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property labelledBy
Property change event labelledByChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-labelled-by-changed
messages-custom :Array<oj.Message>
List of messages an app would add to the component when it has business/custom validation errors that it wants the component to show. This allows the app to perform further validation before sending data to the server. When this option is set the message shows to the user right away. To clear the custom message, set
back to an empty array.
Each message in the array is an object that duck types oj.Message. See Message for details. message detail text can include formatted HTML text, whereas hints and message summary text cannot. If you use formatted text, it should be accessible and make sense to the user if formatting wasn't there. The allowed html tags are: span, b, i, em, br, hr, li, ol, ul, p, small, pre. To format the message detail, you could do this:
<html>Enter <b>at least</b> 6 characters</html>
A messagesCustom message with severity error will make the component's valid state invalidShown. However, a messagesCustom message, no matter the severity, does not prevent the value from being changed, as well as pushed to the view model.
Messages are shown on an enabled component, but not on a disabled component. On a readonly component, if readonlyMessagesCustom is set to 'confirmationOrInfoMessages', then info and confirmation custom messages are shown.
See the Validation and Messages section for details on when the component clears
; for example, when full validation is run.In the Redwood theme, the Message summary is not displayed to the user, so make sure to have a Message detail set in your Message object.
- Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
- Since:
- 0.7.0
Item Name Property messagesCustom
Property change event messagesCustomChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-messages-custom-changed
(readonly) transient-value :oj.Color
is the read-only attribute for retrieving the transient value of the color spectrum.The
updates to display the transient changes of the spectrum thumb, and the hue and opacity sliders. The difference in behavior between thetransient-value
is thattransient-value
will be updated as the spectrum thumb or hue/opacity sliders are moved, whereas thevalue
attribute is updated only after the respective thumb is released (or after a key press).- Supports writeback:
- Since:
- 4.2.0
Item Name Property transientValue
Property change event transientValueChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-transient-value-changed
translations :object|null
A collection of translated resources from the translation bundle, or
if this component has no resources. Resources may be accessed and overridden individually or collectively, as seen in the examples.If the component does not contain any translatable resource, the default value of this attribute will be
. If not, an object containing all resources relevant to the component.If this component has translations, their documentation immediately follows this doc entry.
Item Name Property translations
Property change event translationsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-translations-changed
translations.label-hue :string
Label for Hue slider tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelHue
translations.label-opacity :string
Label for Opacity slider tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelOpacity
translations.label-sat-lum :string
< p>Label for spectrum thumb tooltip.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property translations.labelSatLum
translations.label-thumb-desc :string
< p>Label for spectrum thumb description.
See the translations attribute for usage examples.
- Default Value:
"color spectrum four way slider"
Item Name Property translations.labelThumbDesc
user-assistance-density :('reflow'|'efficient'|'compact')
Note: This attribute is not supported in the following themes:
Specifies the density of the form component's user assistance presentation. It can be shown inline with reserved rows to prevent reflow if a user assistance text shows up, inline without reserved rows that would reflow if a user assistance text shows up, or it can be shown compactly in a popup instead.
The default value is 'reflow' when the form component is not a descendent of an oj-form-layout component. When the form component is a descendent of an oj-form-layout, the default value comes from the oj-form-layout's
attribute value.The oj-form-layout component uses the MetadataTypes.PropertyBinding
property to provide itsuser-assistance-density
attribute value to be consumed by descendent components. The form components are configured to consume theuser-assistance-density
property if an ancestor provides it and it is not explicitly set on the form component. Example, oj-form-layout defaults user-assistance-density='efficient', so all its form components descendents will have user-assistance-density='efficient' by default.- Default Value:
- Since:
- 9.0.0
Supported Values:
Value Description compact
Messages, help, hints, and required will not be shown inline; they will show in a mode that keeps the screen more compact, like a popup for the messages, and a required icon to indicate Required. efficient
Messages, help, hints, and required are all shown inline under the field with reserved space. reflow
Messages, help, hints, and required are all shown inline under the field with no reserved space. Names
Item Name Property userAssistanceDensity
Property change event userAssistanceDensityChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-user-assistance-density-changed
(readonly) valid :"valid"|"pending"|"invalidHidden"|"invalidShown"
The current valid state of the component. It is evaluated on initial render. It is re-evaluated
- after each validator (validators or async-validators) is run (full or deferred)
- when messagesCustom is updated, since messagesCustom can be added by the app developer any time.
- when showMessages() is called. Since showMessages() moves the hidden messages into messages shown, if the valid state was "invalidHidden" then it would become "invalidShown".
- when the required property has changed. If a component is empty and has required set, the valid state may be "invalidHidden" (if no invalid messages are being shown as well). If required property is removed, the valid state would change to "valid".
Note: New valid states may be added to the list of valid values in future releases. Any new values will start with "invalid" if it is an invalid state, "pending" if it is pending state, and "valid" if it is a valid state.
- Supports writeback:
- Since:
- 4.2.0
Supported Values:
Value Description invalidHidden
The component has invalid messages hidden and no invalid messages showing. An invalid message is one with severity "error" or higher. invalidShown
The component has invalid messages showing. An invalid message is one with severity "error" or higher. pending
The component is waiting for the validation state to be determined. The "pending" state is set at the start of the convert/validate process. valid
The component is valid Names
Item Name Property valid
Property change event validChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-valid-changed
value :oj.Color
The value of the element representing the current color.
- Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property value
Property change event valueChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-value-changed
Triggered when a default animation has ended.
- Deprecated:
Since Description 12.1.0
This web component no longer supports this event.
- "inline-open" - when an inline message container opens or increases in size
- "inline-close" - when an inline message container closes or decreases in size
- "notewindow-open" - when a note window opens
- "notewindow-close" - when a note window closes
- Since:
- 12.1.0
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description action
string The action that triggered the animation. Supported values are: element
Element The element being animated. -
Triggered when a default animation is about to start on an element owned by the component.
The default animation can be cancelled by calling
, followed by a call toevent.detail.endCallback
should be called immediately afterevent.preventDefault
if the application merely wants to cancel animation, or it should be called when the custom animation ends if the application is invoking another animation function. Failure to callevent.detail.endCallback
may prevent the component from working properly.For more information on customizing animations, see the documentation of AnimationUtils.
The default animations are controlled via the theme: // default animations for notewindow help and hints and messages $popupTailOpenAnimation: (effect: "zoomIn", transformOrigin: "#myPosition") !default; $popupTailCloseAnimation: (effect: "none") !default; // default animations for Redwood's inline messages shown when userAssistanceDensity // is reflow or efficient. $messageComponentInlineOpenAnimation: (effect: "fadeIn", duration: "100ms", timingFunction: "linear") !default; $messageComponentInlineCloseAnimation: (effect: "fadeOut", duration: "100ms", timingFunction: "linear") !default;
- Deprecated:
Since Description 12.1.0
This web component no longer supports this event.
- "inline-hints-open" - when an inline helphints container opens
- "inline-hints-close" - when an inline helphints container closes
- "inline-open" - when an inline message container opens or increases in size
- "inline-close" - when an inline message container closes or decreases in size
- "notewindow-open" - when a note window opens
- "notewindow-close" - when a note window closes
- Since:
- 12.1.0
All of the event payloads listed below can be found under
. See Events and Listeners for additional information.Name Type Description action
string The action that triggers the animation. Supported values are: element
Element The element being animated. endCallback
function():void If the event listener calls event.preventDefault to cancel the default animation, it must call the endCallback function when it finishes its own animation handling and any custom animation has ended.
getProperty(property) : {any}
Retrieves a value for a property or a single subproperty for complex properties.
Name Type Description property
string The property name to get. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. Returns:
- Type
- any
refresh : {void}
Called when the DOM underneath the component changes requiring a re-render of the component. An example is when the
for the input changes.
Another time when refresh might be called is when the locale for the page changes. When it changes, attributes used by its converter and validator that are locale specific, its hints, messages and translations will be updated.
method is called, the component may take various steps such as clearing messages, running validation etc., based on the state it is in.Steps Performed Always
- The converter and validators used by the component are reset, and new converter and validator hints is pushed to messaging. E.g., notewindow displays the new hint(s).
Running Validation
- if component is valid when refresh() is called, the display value is refreshed if component has a converter set.
- if component is invalid and is showing messages when
is called, then all component messages are cleared and full validation run using the display value on the component.- if there are validation errors, then
attribute is not updated and the error is shown. - if no errors result from the validation, the
attribute is updated; page author can listen to thevalueChanged
event to clear custom errors.
- if there are validation errors, then
- if component is invalid and has deferred messages when
is called, then all component messages are cleared and deferred validation is run.
Clearing Messages
- If clearing messages only those created by the component are cleared.
attribute is not cleared.
- Since:
- 0.7.0
- Type
- void
reset : {void}
Resets the component by clearing all messages and messages attributes -
- and updates the component's display value using the attribute value. User entered values will be erased when this method is called.- Since:
- 0.7.0
- Type
- void
Performs a batch set of properties.
Name Type Description properties
Object An object containing the property and value pairs to set. -
setProperty(property, value)
Sets a property or a single subproperty for complex properties and notifies the component of the change, triggering a [property]Changed event.
Name Type Description property
string The property name to set. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. value
any The new value to set the property to. -
showMessages : {void}
Takes all deferred messages and shows them. It then updates the valid property; e.g., if the valid state was "invalidHidden" before showMessages(), the valid state will become "invalidShown" after showMessages().
If there were no deferred messages this method simply returns.
- Since:
- 0.7.0
- Type
- void