Typescript Import Format
//This namespace exports multiple static methods or members. To import
import * as ResponsiveUtils from "ojs/ojresponsiveutils";
//Now you can access the methods as ResponsiveUtils.methodName and so on
For additional information visit:
(static, constant) FRAMEWORK_QUERY_KEY :Object
In the jet sass files there are variables for responsive screen widths, see ResponsiveUtils.SCREEN_RANGE for details. The jet sass files also has variables for responsive queries like $responsiveQuerySmallUp, $responsiveQuerySmallOnly, $responsiveQueryMediumUp, etc.
These constants are used to identify these queries.
Name Type Description HIGH_RESOLUTION
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey matches high resolution screens LG_DOWN
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width large and narrower LG_ONLY
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width smalargell only LG_UP
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width large and wider MD_DOWN
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width medium and narrower MD_ONLY
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width medium only MD_UP
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width medium and wider SM_ONLY
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width small only SM_UP
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width small and wider XL_DOWN
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width extra-large and narrower XL_ONLY
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width extra-large only XL_UP
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width extra-large and wider XXL_UP
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey Matches screen width extra-extra-large and wider -
(static, constant) SCREEN_RANGE :Object
In the jet sass files there are variables for responsive screen widths, these look something like
- $screenSmallRange: 0, 767px;
- $screenMediumRange: 768px, 1023px;
- $screenLargeRange: 1024px, 1280px;
- $screenXlargeRange: 1281px, null;
These constants are used to identify these ranges.
(static) compare(size1, size2) : {number}
Compare can be used in conjunction with oj.ResponsiveKnockoutUtils.createScreenRangeObservable
// create an observable which returns the current screen range self.screenRange = oj.ResponsiveKnockoutUtils.createScreenRangeObservable(); self.label2 = ko.computed(function() { var range = self.screenRange(); if ( range, oj.ResponsiveUtils.SCREEN_RANGE.MD) <= 0) { // code for when screen is in small or medium range } else if (range == oj.ResponsiveUtils.SCREEN_RANGE.XL) { // code for when screen is in XL range } });
Name Type Description size1
ResponsiveUtils.ScreenRange one of the screen size constants, for example oj.ResponsiveUtils.SCREEN_RANGE.MD size2
ResponsiveUtils.ScreenRange one of the screen size constants, for example oj.ResponsiveUtils.SCREEN_RANGE.LG Returns:
a negative integer if the first argument is less than the second. Zero if the two are equal. 1 or greater if the first argument is more than the second.
- Type
- number
(static) getFrameworkQuery(frameworkQueryKey) : {string|null}
Get a framework (built in) media query string, see ResponsiveUtils.FRAMEWORK_QUERY_KEY for details on framework queries. The media query string returned can be passed to oj.ResponsiveKnockoutUtils.createMediaQueryObservable to create a knockout observable, which in turn can be used to drive responsive page behavior.
var lgQuery = oj.ResponsiveUtils.getFrameworkQuery( oj.ResponsiveUtils.FRAMEWORK_QUERY_KEY.LG_UP); self.large = oj.ResponsiveKnockoutUtils.createMediaQueryObservable(lgQuery);
Name Type Description frameworkQueryKey
ResponsiveUtils.FrameworkQueryKey one of the FRAMEWORK_QUERY_KEY constants, for example oj.ResponsiveUtils.FRAMEWORK_QUERY_KEY.MD_UP Returns:
the media query to use for the framework query key passed in
- Type
- string | null