interface OptionElement
Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { OptionElement } from "ojs/ojoption";
//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "ojs/ojoption";
For additional information visit:
Note: Application logic should not interact with the component's properties or invoke its methods until the BusyContext indicates that the component is ready for interaction.
JET components that allow child content support slots. Please see the slots section of the JET component overview doc for more information on allowed slot content and slot types.
Child content for oj-option. This is normally the text node that displays for oj-option.
Named slot for the oj-option's end icon.
Named slot for the oj-option's start icon.
disabled :boolean
Disables the oj-option if set to
.- Default Value:
Item Name Property disabled
Property change event disabledChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-disabled-changed
value :any
Specifies the oj-option's value. The value is associated with the oj-option element whose display value may be different.
Item Name Property value
Property change event valueChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-value-changed
getProperty(property) : {any}
Retrieves a value for a property or a single subproperty for complex properties.
Name Type Description property
string The property name to get. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. Returns:
- Type
- any
refresh : {void}
Refreshes the visual state of the component.
- Type
- void
setProperties(properties) : {void}
Performs a batch set of properties.
Name Type Description properties
Object An object containing the property and value pairs to set. Returns:
- Type
- void
setProperty(property, value) : {void}
Sets a property or a single subproperty for complex properties and notifies the component of the change, triggering a [property]Changed event.
Name Type Description property
string The property name to set. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. value
any The new value to set the property to. Returns:
- Type
- void