interface GanttDependencyElement
Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { GanttDependencyElement } from "ojs/ojgantt";
//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "ojs/ojgantt";
For additional information visit:
predecessor-task-id :any
The identifier for the predecessor task. This must reference a task in Gantt.
(nullable) short-desc :string
The description of the dependency line. This is used for accessibility.
- Default Value:
successor-task-id :any
The identifier for the successor task. This must reference a task in Gantt.
svg-class-name :string
A space delimited list of CSS style classes to apply to the dependency line.
- Default Value:
(nullable) svg-style :Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>
The CSS style defining the style of the dependency line. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
- Default Value:
type :"finishStart"|"finishFinish"|"startStart"|"startFinish"
The type of dependency.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description finishFinish
predecessor task must finish before successor task can finish finishStart
predecessor task must finish before successor task can start startFinish
predecessor task must start before successor task can finish startStart
predecessor task must start before successor task can start