interface NestedFilterDef<D>
Generic Parameters
Parameter Description D Type of Data for the filter definition. See below for examples.
Typescript Import Format
//To use this interface, import as below.
import {NestedFilterDef} from "ojs/ojdataprovider";
For additional information visit:
Nested filter definition on 'ProductDetails' field with nested criterion:
- Attribute filter definition on 'ProductName' subfield containing the phrase 'Tablet'
{op: '$exists', attribute: 'ProductDetails', criterion:
{op: '$co', value: {ProductName: 'Tablet'}}
Nested filter definition on 'ProductDetails' field with nested criterion:
- Extended compound filter combining the following two criteria with '$or' operator:
- Attribute filter definition on 'ProductName' subfield containing the phrase 'Tablet'
- Attribute filter definition on 'ProductName' subfield ending with the phrase 'desktop' case insensitive
{op: '$exists', attribute: 'ProductDetails', criterion:
{op: '$or', criteria:
{op: '$co', value: {ProductName: 'Tablet'}},
{op: '$ew', value: {ProductName: 'desktop'}, collationOptions: {sensitivity: 'accent'}}
Nested filter definition on 'OrderLines' field with nested criterion:
- Nested filter definition on 'OrderDetails' subfield with nested criterion:
- Attribute filter definition on 'ProductName' sub-subfield starting with the phrase 'USB'
{op: '$exists', attribute: 'OrderLines', criterion:
{op: '$exists', attribute: 'ProductDetails', criterion:
{op: '$sw', value: {ProductName: 'USB'}}
(static) NestedOperator :string
NestedOperator enum
- Since:
- 13.0.0
Name Type Default Description $exists
string $exists The filter is a potential match if the attribute exists and the criterion matches; the filter is not a match if the attribute does not exist. -
attribute :AttributeFilterDef.AttributeExpression|string
Property which contains an expression specifies which attribute to filter on.
- Since:
- 13.0.0
criterion :(AttributeFilterDef.<D>|AttributeExprFilterDef.<D>|ExtendedCompoundFilterDef.<D>|NestedFilterDef.<D>)
Types of FilterDefs which can be nested inside the NestedFilterDef applying on the attribute. The following types are supported:
- AttributeFilterDef
- AttributeExprFilterDef
- ExtendedCompoundFilterDef
- NestedFilterDef
- Since:
- 13.0.0
op :NestedFilterDef.NestedOperator
Operator to apply for the filter. Valid operator defined in the NestedFilterOperator is the string:
- $exists If the attribute exists, there is a potential match if criterion matches. If the attribute does not exist or is invalid, there is no match.
- Since:
- 13.0.0