Styling: NoTag
Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)
When tags are not themed by default, you can create a body tag and add class="oj-body"
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a Body tag then you can add class="oj-body".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the Body tag.
<body class="oj-body"> <!-- content --> </body>
When tags are not themed by default, you can Create a heading tag (h1 to h6) and add class="oj-header".
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a heading tag then you can add class="oj-header".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the heading tag.
<h2 class="oj-header">Notag Heading </h2>
When tags are not themed by default, you can create a hr tag and add class="oj-hr"
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a Horizontal tag then you can add class="oj-hr".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the Horizontal tag.
<hr class="oj-hr"></hr>
When tags are not themed by default, you can Create a link tag and add class="oj-link"
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a Link tag then you can add class="oj-link".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the Link tag.
<a class="oj-link">Notag Link </a>
When tags are not themed by default, you can create a ol tag and add class="oj-ol"
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a OrderedList tag then you can add class="oj-ol".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the OrderedList tag.
<ol class="oj-ol"> <!-- content --> </ol>
When tags are not themed by default, you can create a Paragraph tag and add class="oj-p"
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a paragraph tag then you can add class="oj-p".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the paragraph tag.
<p class="oj-p">Notag paragraph </p>
When tags are not themed by default, you can create a ul tag and add class="oj-ul"
A 'notag' CSS file is supplied with JET that does not theme tags by default (the Redwood file is named oj-redwood-notag-min.css for example). If you are using the 'notag' CSS file but want the JET styling for a Unordered List Tag then you can add class="oj-ul".
NOTE: if you are not using the 'notag' CSS file then it is not necessary to add the class as JET will automatically style the Unordered List tag.
<ul class="oj-ul"> <!-- content --> </ul>